Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Douglas Davidson Anderson

Date submitted
31 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The size of the site is far larger than any other proposed or operating in the UK. It will turn a rural landscape with good quality agricultural land into an industrial scar severely impacting on wildlife, public enjoyment of the country walks and decrease agricultural production. The panels will be 3.3metres high with 2 metre fencing of the area, 1320 cctv cameras and security lighting and 84 containers for transformers. This will transform a delightful landscape into an industrial blot seen for miles around and will last for at least 40 years. The plant will be audible to many residents. The panels do not appear to use the latest triple layer technology which would greatly reduce the number required. This proposal seems to be contrary to government policy that ground mounted solar should use previously developed /contaminated/grade 3b,4 and 5 land, not BMV land which accounts for 53% of this site. Greatford is on a flood plain and this development will cause impaction of the land and concentration of rainwater run off. No flood countermeasures have been proposed. Residents already worry about flooding and this will only increase their stress. The proposed new West Glen river footpaths will probably be impassable in winter. Many of the roadways are of insufficient width to allow for safe passage of heavy vehicle traffic which will be very high for 2 years creating a very accident high risk, The country roads will be transformed. Public rights of way will be closed or diverted and woodland surrounded by panels. Walking between them will be of no pleasure. It has been reported that Uyghur labour has been used in the supply chain of Canadian Solar. No guarantees have been given regarding the decommissioning of the solar farm. It could become a permanent mess. This company has never built a project of this size and there is no assurance that they will be responsible for its completion or sub contraction to other parties. We have little information on their financial stability and of the status of their directors. The project will make a few people very rich to the detriment of most villagers. They can always move elsewhere with the profits gained, leaving the rest of the community to suffer.