Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Madeline Davies

Date submitted
2 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We live in a beautiful productive area and can not understand why good quality farmland will be taken out of production when as a country we need more self sufficiency. To spend the rest of my life surrounded by solar panels and see them everyday from my home and my land seems appalling. If it was wind power I would be more in favour as farming can continue beneath turbines. As a shepherd I know of the many issues that would make grazing around the panels counterproductive. The shipping of panels from China across the world seems irresponsible and the stories of human rights abuse in the Chinese factories is hard to reconcile with solar power as a benefit. This land has been farmed for centuries but there is also archaeological reasons not to damage potential sites of interest as this was an area heavily occupied during Roman times. At the minute large herds of deer traverse the fields, if solar panels are put up we have been told they will be directed down footpaths. what happens when these footpaths are being used by walkers and they are confronted by a herd of deer or young stags. the only logical answer would be to cull but how is that inline with encouraging wildlife. if not there will at some point be fatalities caused by deer charging when panicked and trapped by fencing. The overwhelming size of this project is horrendous. It is bigger than local towns and is effectively turning green fields into industrial usage. it should not be allowed to go ahead.