Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Brian Norman Kearsey

Date submitted
6 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The project would destroy a beautiful productive farming environment with easy public access for leisure activities via a multitude of public footpaths [SIMPLY THE WRONG LOCATION FOR AN INDUSTRIAL PROJECT - the fact it is near a substations is irrelevant - substations can be accessed over any distance using underground cables - the developers must foot the bill). UK should focus on being self -sufficient in farming home-grown foods and focus more on nuclear energy to meet our long term energy and environmental needs. Nuclear is a more reliable energy source - solar panels only work periodically and are inefficient. Unacceptable that the developer plans to uses solar panels provided by non-UK owned companies e.g. Chinese. In the UK we should focus on developing our own solar panels - let's not forget this fundamental technology has been around for more than 60 years - I can recall studying these matters at University in the 1960's. Just requires more UK investment to develop the competence. I spent 45+ professional years involved in exploiting state of the art electronic technology globally - we just need to commit to investing in the UK for the home-grown technology. The size of the project is totally inappropriate for a rural community - destroys the social fabric of the local community - plenty of brown field sites locally. TOO BIG! Distasteful that the developer , Canadian Solar , has a "relationship" with China. HAVING TRAVELLED AND WORKED IN CHINA OVER 45 YEARS ON TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS I WOULD BE CAREFUL - THEY ARE FULL OF SELF INTEREST. THE UK MUST BE SELF-SUFFICIENT IN SOLAR TECHNOLOGY. The impacted public footpaths will lose their attraction for keen walkers and runners - I run these routes three times a week despite my age - I will have no desire to run through a solar farm!!! I have been an avid competitive runner for nearly 65 years - I run with the Stamford Striders along with another 300 members and this will take away many of our running routes. The local landowners should be ashamed of profiting from the local community - their only concerns is financial - basically the greed instinct! I am alright jack! I repeat: I am totally against this industrial project within a productive farming community on numerous grounds. Choose a brown field site, use UK solar panels and let the developers invest in a long length of underground cable to access the spare capacity at local sub-station.