Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Catherine Gardiner

Date submitted
6 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

After careful consideration of the proposals and research I am registering my objection to the Mallard Pass Solar scheme on the following grounds: Environmental: Use /loss of prime agricultural land Scale of the project which will consume vast amounts of agricultural land and turn the countryside into an industrial zone. Loss of wildlife habitats-both during the construction phase , running of scheme and projected removal of panels in 40 years plus. Visual impact of panels. Loss of amenity values of area- at present able to enjoy the local countryside on unspoilt footpaths . I often see /hear yellow hammers , skylarks, deer etc when walking in the area. Impact on local roads and villages during construction and decommissioning phases. Ethical grounds: Involvement of Chinese money in the scheme as govt. Possible use of Chinese slave labour in manufacture of panels. the compulsory purchase of land in Essendine . Which will spoil this village and have a huge impact on residents. Although the original plans have been amended to apparently reduce environmental impact this is not good enough. To me this is an admission of the negative impact that he scheme will have . The company should investigate the viability of using existing rooves or brown field sites to achieve their objective as well as ethically sourcing the panels.