Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Anthony John Barker

Date submitted
9 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Despite fully understanding & indeed supporting the need to increase the UKs sustainable energy capacity. I remain totally opposed to this proposal after considering the developers application .My principal objections are as briefly summarised below; 1 Scale of development .Although the scale of development has reduced slightly from the original proposal it remains a massive project (2105 acres) & will be a 'blot on the landscape' for the next 40 years plus changing an attractive rural landscape into an industrial setting. No amount of mitigation can hide this particularly with the topography of the site. 2 Loss of agricultural land. With the pressures on food supplies & the need to make the UK more self sufficient why develop on BMV agricultural land? My understanding is that a large percentage ( 43% )of the land included in the application is on this quality of land .In my view this application should be refused purely on these grounds. 3 Flood Risk Outside the Development Site . During the consultation period the developer was made fully aware of residents including Local Flood Wardens concern over increased flood risk to land & property outside of the application site It is entirely common sense that the volume & speed of surface water run off from 530000 solar panels & ground compacted over 24 months plus of construction work will increase compared to the current position. This increased run off will enter the adjacent watercourses & in turn flow in to the River West Glen . Inevitably this will increase flood risk downstream in Greatford & other locations. The developer has conveniently dismissed these issues suggesting that seeding with a grass/flower mix will solve the problem which is totally unsubstantiated as is their conclusion at 1 1.4.77 ' the impact of surface water run off & flooding on the receiving watercourses of high sensitivity are considered to be of negligible magnitude & to have a negligible significance of effect' If this proposal were granted consent a surface water run off attenuation scheme will be an absolute priority for this development to ensure no increase in flood risk off site. Local residents should not have this risk imposed on them. 4 Impact on the Local Community .During the construction period the local community will experience massive disturbance due to traffic movements ,noise ,dust & light pollution. There will be be loss of visual amenity & public rights of way which I personally use will be compromised Once completed our countryside will be permanently disfigured thus harming local residents wellbeing. The above is a brief summary of my objections /concerns which I will be pleased to expand on in due course.