Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Sharon Carr

Date submitted
12 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This proposed project is far to big Taking all facts and figures it is not viable and does not produce enough power to warrant the destruction of the local area this will be catastrophic Wildlife will be in non existence this land is home to some very big badger setts that are protected Birds will not be able to feed and deers will not be able to roam The land is good arable land and should be used for growing food and crops not covered in concrete. food is more important in these uncertain times of war in other countries Residents are now at risk of losing the rights to access and decision over there own properties and this is outrageous that a company that is financed from the other side of the world China can dictate to me regarding my only assets that I have worked hard for This project is about greed not green issues As I head towards retirement my future looks very bleak with this project hanging over my head and my The people of this community deserve to keep the assets of being able roam in our beautiful countryside not a industrial desert