Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Glenda Launders

Date submitted
13 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Site is far too large, it is colossal A huge eyesore for local communities Loss of agricultural land Adverse effect on wild life Noise and impact on residents Construction and building, adverse effect on roads Turning a pleasing landscape into a building site for 2 years Transferring a peaceful landscape into a eyesore No one will want to live in the area Impact on house prices The size of the site might grow in future Whilst there is a pressing need for green energy, consideration should be given to putting solar farms on brown field sites, disused air fields, remote locations, roofs of buildings before using residential areas and putting undue strain on local residents because of the objections raised above. In addition current house building across the country is causing loss of countryside and a huge solar farm on the scale of Mallard Pass will be contributing to this loss. People need open natural places to escape to and this proposed scheme just adds further to the loss of natural countryside when other options should be considered first.