Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by James Shorrock

Date submitted
13 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident, from Wilsthorpe Stamford, I felt I needed to raise my personal concerns regarding the Mallard Pass Solar Farm Development. I realise the country’s need to pursue more sustainable forms of energy, my home having had solar panels installed. However, my main concern is the overwhelming size of this development proposal. I cannot understand why it requires the acreage it does to produce the same amount of energy as the solar farm development in Kent, which is half this size. I do not feel convinced that the efficiency of this project has been fully considered. I am concerned about the use of less efficient panels especially with regard to the eventual need to replace such huge items and the decommission and disposal of panels. This area is known for its beauty and wildlife and I am very concerned following an installation of the largest solar farm in the UK, that the area will become known as the largest eyesore in the UK. Many local businesses rely on tourism and this is bound to be affected by such a plan. Many local residents have chosen to settle here because of the amazing walking opportunities and the local wildlife including muntjac, fallow deer, bats and red kites. The time involved in construction and the eventual solar farm, on such a scale, will have a drastic and detrimental impact on the biodiversity in this area. I am aware that studies have reported the ‘lake effect’ of large expanses of solar panels; appearing like water; can have deadly consequences for bird life. Recent studies have also reported that the way wildlife perceive solar panels is not fully understood so it would be impossible to mitigate the effect on local wildlife when a project of this size has not been attempted before and the mitigation factors are still an unknown. As a keen walker, I understand that footpaths will be maintained but I hardly feel these will provide the same outlook. I also notice that the section of Macmillan Way passing through the middle of the development has been missed off both of the concept plan maps which I have looked at. With such a huge and likely well known facility on the doorstep, house prices locally will suffer. I found the confusion and lack of understanding from those delivering the information regarding methods of storing excess energy, particularly concerning safety, most concerning. I have not been at all convinced by what I have heard so far. Having lived in this area for nearly 20 years we have experienced more frequent issues with flooding over more recent times, Christmas last year being particularly bad. With a development on such a large scale I would worry that the increased run off may detrimentally affect the flood risk moving forward. I look forward to hearing the views of my neighbours and community in due course but hope my personal views can be considered.