Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Jasmine Ann Sorbi

Date submitted
17 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I feel the Mallard Pass solar farm proposed around our beautiful villages will be not only be far too large but hugely inefficient clustering sub-stations with disastrous consequences for the landscape and local amenity. With 530,000 solar panels 3.3 metres high the cumulative effect will intensify the harm caused. The solar panels and inverters/transformers will dramatically alter views of the country side and key features that punctuate it. There will be lots of disruption with HGV lorries along our small country roads which are not made for such heavy industry and going past two busy schools. We will lose a lot of wild life because of this expanse as the routes they would normally take will be obliterated. Although routes are going to be made for such as deer they are creatures of habit and will only use routes they are familiar with. The land has always been good for growing crops and in this climate as a farmer in Derbyshire has realised we need our future farmers to be working the land. We have no idea what will happen to all these solar panels in 40 years time ( a solar graveyard) but what we do know is it will be of no use for growing crops. I realize we need to aim for Net zero but I feel that solar panels should be put on brown fields or buildings not good agricultural land.