Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Pete Holland

Date submitted
18 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident to the Mallard Pas site, i want to register to be able to keep up to date with the progression of the application and also to be able to add my views and thoughts. In principle, I do support the move to alternative non-fossil fuel power generation and recognise that this must come with investment in infrastructure to be able to allow this. I also recognise the potential attractiveness of the Mallard Pass site and proximity to required infrastructure. However, The application for the site as it stands currently is grossly out of proportion with the rural community that attracted me to move here just 3 years ago. I object to the scale of construction issues that will inevitably result from this work (noise, vehicles, light and significant traffic disruption for years to come). The legacy that this will leave in its current guise is to change a rural community into an industrialised sprawling landscape. There have been no benefits described so far for the local community and yet our lives will be grossly disrupted for years to come and the price of our property will inevitably suffer. I believe in the sustainability of our country and yet this will completely erode prime farming landscape, surely there is a compromise of size and scale? This area is known to suffer with surface water flooding and there is no way this site will not significantly add to that and put homes and communities at risk.