Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Sarah Elmore

Date submitted
18 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am someone who uses the bridle way Bra/1/1 on a regular basis I love the beauty of the countryside,this beautiful area will be ruined for walkers and riders who don’t use the paths to get from A to B but for pleasure and to see the countryside and wildlife,with the proposed pannels covering everything as far as the eye can see this will be lost to us forever. We live locally and our lives will be disrupted with the building of the site and everything that entails. The project is too big for Rutland the smallest county,it is also destroying crops at a time we need to grow more and wildlife will be very disturbed. I worry about flooding and the loss of peoples land rights under compulsory acquisition. I am also concerned about how we dispose of the panels when the time comes and the damage done to the ground. The companies are involved in making the panels I believe use coal and have a bad reputation in child labour and bad working conditions this is unacceptable and negates any good done by the green side of the scheme. I would have preferred wind turbines which would leave the beauty and wildlife in tact.