Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Gareth Davies MP

Date submitted
22 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to you in order to express my significant concerns, and those of many of my constituents, about the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm development which has now entered the Pre-Examination stage with the Planning Inspectorate. While I am strongly supportive of green energy initiatives, I have always been clear in my contributions to debates in Parliament, in discussions with ministers and in my contact with campaigners that I hold deep concerns over this proposal. My main issues with the proposal are as follows: Agricultural impact - the loss of prime, graded agricultural land at a time of great international food insecurity and when we are supporting and encouraging farmers to grow more of our food domestically. Lifetime of each PV array - the constant work and disruption of local people’s lives in order to maintain and replace each PV array over the next 40 years, even after construction. Proximity to residential properties - I understand that arrays will be set back from the site’s boundary and trees will be planted to block the visual pollution, but the site could still have a significant impact upon those that live in the village of Essendine, and in Carlby and Braceborough in my constituency. Impact upon biodiversity and the local environment - local wildlife experts have expressed concern over the exclusion of some species in the biodiversity assessments so far and with the lack of planning with regards to the long-term management of the proposed nature and grassland areas. Flooding risk - owing to the rain run-off being different for areas covered by PV arrays than for open land, there have been suggestions that this development increases the flood risk to my constituents in Greatford and the surrounding areas along the West Glen River. While I recognise that the developer has reduced development around the river, any increased risk is not acceptable. I hope this letter has helped to highlight some of the key worries that exist in my constituency on the proposal.