Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Betty Grindey

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to strongly state my objections to the mallard pass Solar farm. The site is far too big, impacting adversely on the neighbouring villages and wildlife. The panels are so large ruining the look of the landscape along with the projected battery storage and increased traffic the whole area will be changed for the worst indefinitely. My main objection is that valuable Agricultural land will be lost for years. I am old enough to remember‘ dig for victory’ and with the world in such a dangerous state as shown by the Russian/ Ukrain war and the threat of food shortage and raising prices surely the importance of an independent England must be a priority. Braceborough is a wonderful village, the community spirit strong, the area around beautiful and peaceful, please don’t spoil it. There are no direct benefits for the community and Solar power is highly inefficient, the construction issues will continue for 4 years causing extensive traffic problems and disruption, public rights of way will be closed or diverted.the application has no time Limit and what will happen when it’s served its usefulness. The prospect of being surrounded by high level security fencing and extensive cctv surely indicates and increased risk of unsociable behaviour is expected. So not only is this ugly and a blight on the landscape the surrounding area is at greater risk of crime. Add in the increased flood risk, noise and light pollution, where are any benefits to be found.