Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Helen Mitchell

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live within a few hundred metres of the South side of the development and I object to the proposal on a number of separate grounds; - the sheer size of the development is inappropriate for the surrounding area and the impact this will have on the local area, both environment and community. - Impact on the local wildlife / ecosystem - Flood risk in an area affected only recently by severe floods - visual impact this development will have on the area, with very tall panels, security fences, and glare from the panels - all of which will be visible from our property - Unknown health effects / pollution from the panels and their subsequent decommissioning after the 40 year period - Noise pollution from the workings of the site 24/7 - Change of use of the land to create an opportunity for future property development on prior farmland - Loss of farmland, at a time when it seems more important for the UK to retain its own farmland, particularly for food production. - Other issues - security issues caused by the site, severe disruption caused during the development on inadequate highways.