Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Ian Halliday-Pegg

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. loss of agricultural land impacting food security, when there’s adequate brownfield in the region. 2) Inappropriate low-carbon choice for grid-level production. A modern U.K. (Rolls-Royce) small nuclear plant of the same output is approximately 3 football fields in size (not 2,000) and produces electricity when demand is greatest fat night and during the winter, when solar Doesn’t. 3) dubious real-world carbon credentials: the embedded carbon in the production, deliver and installation of the entire plant, including manpower and travel during construction and operation make the carbon balance highly unlikely to be achieved in the first 25 years. (Based on éperdu opinion from the ex head of a foremost energy consultacy). Making the entire project a white elephant for money-making disguised as a green project and ‘sold’ to a government fixated on ‘net zero’ without proper examination of the impacts 4) provenance of the panels (China) and the much maligned province, as well as the company structure sending profits abroad and out of the economy, as well as placing more elements of our Critical National Infrastructure in foreign hands. 5) Environmental impact: an absolute disaster for the plethora or local wildlife and migratory bird which live on the fields and hedgerows and roam between woods. Something which at this scale will be unrecoverable. 6) Impact on local residents for no local benefits. This is a massive impact both during construction with thousands of deliveries and many hundreds of daily journeys in our tiny local roads as well as noise and dust, and the. The visual impact which simply cannot be understated. We have beautiful rolling countryside and wildlife,all of which will be gone for further than the eye can see in every direction. The locals receive nothing in return - not even free electricity it all goes to company profits at the expense of the local U.K. residents.