Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Jane Hope

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to strongly object to this application This proposal of such huge scale meets no necessary CRITERIA: It is not previously developed / brownfield land– there are sites available for this – next to the A1 and on army or Govt owned land It is NOT level flat ground It is RAISED land with magnificent views over rolling countryside It incorporates a rare bridleway over 2km – no such rights of way amenities should be part of any scheme – and several other important public rights of way such as Pickworth Drift – the centuries old cattle drove – which needs protecting – and hasn’t been identified as such It stretches well over 2km either side of the railway line – so is being misdescribed as ‘near’ corridor to the line It does NOT have the support of the local residents – over 75% against at the latest count – of responses( and there are huge numbers locally who still haven’t heard of it or appreciate the scale of it) It FAILS on all counts The industrialisation of our precious countryside needs tackling NOW The investment companies need to see that this stampede to cover out green and pleasant land with black silicon and metal unrecyclable structures is not an easy route to sneaky back door profits Also: important point - How can anyone do business with China – using slave labour, its own Govt. subsidies and COAL FIRED Electricity !!! Where is the morality in this? To think much of our land and energy will be in the control of foreign energy companies is so crass and unthinking of the future We need our land for food and other crops – which is also positively better for the environment The majority of this land is Prime Growing Land – class 3a or above Solar panel farms of this size are ill thought out concepts designed to only benefit a very few and seriously impacting the lives of many thousands They should be planned very carefully If this is costing £350 Million then the developers can make their own substation in a suitable location – this is usual in industrial situations Govt. needs to take control ! Smaller parcels of land up to 50 acres can be incorporated into farmland with less impact A limit needs to be set NOW – URGENTLY!! My electrician told me he works for the major house builders in the area – and these big companies are NOT attaching solar panels AT ALL!! They finish houses daily – and it would be an easy job to fix 4KW of panels while the scaffolding is up If the Govt. Can make electric charging points for new house compulsory – then it MUST be possible to make solar panels on every new house law also At 4KW per house – this would soon add up – 100 houses go up rapidly – and new house owners would also benefit!! I also understand that there is enough south facing roof space on warehouse and industrial building in the UK to get to NET ZERO three times over!! A few environment reports are really not going to change the fact that this siting is totally unsuitable The mitigation land is completely useless – does nothing to mitigate since it is the wrong side of the road – and does not shield directly any of the proposed land And is simply land that should not be included – the planning is abysmal – and is run by salesmen – What is their background in energy/science or the countryside ? Zero !! Landsite need to be chosen with sensitivity and achieve the criteria Many smaller parcels of maximum size 50 acres accumulates the same total size – and is fairer to all concerned – including farmers If these farmers don’t want to farm any more – why don’t they contract their land out to people who do want to farm it? Laziness and greed I’m afraid ....... There is something inherently wrong about the maths of all this that just doesn’t stack up Although they have said now that they will not use batteries ‘at this time’ – they have openly admitted that they don’t know about the future . There is NO Responsibility They have said that they have no idea who will run the site – and will be sold off to anyone!! So batteries are still a threat The use of dangerous batteries which when unstable catch fire giving off fatally toxic fumes – should be highly restricted due to obvious health and safety concerns These batteries should be the size only needed for the solar panels – and not so that these disreputable companies can buy electricity from the grid cheap of peak and sell back at profit This is monstrous – it won’t help the British public or our planet 10 foot high panels, High security fencing, lighting and cameras surrounding the site for 25 miles is NOT for the countryside – it is outrageous infringement of human rights – reminiscent of the tragedy that sent John Clare (our countryside poet) mad when his countryside was not available to him. This is a very rural area totally unsuitable for this industrialisation – it will be a catastrophe for residents and wildlife