Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Hazel Campbell

Date submitted
25 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I want to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm. This proposal is totally inappropriate for the rural agricultural area in which it is sited. My main objections are as follows: 1. Agriculture The land on which this Solar Farm would be constructed is highly productive, good quality agricultural land. At a time when the UK is trying to become more self-sufficient in food production, this is unacceptable. It also seems very unlikely that, even at the end of life for the solar panels, this agricultural land would ever be productive again, due to the huge amounts of concrete used in construction, and the degradation of the soil quality during the intervening years. 2. Size and Visual Impact The sheer scale of the proposal is enormous. Mile after mile of solar panels will destroy our beautiful countryside and have a hugely detrimental visual impact on the landscape. The local residents should not be subjected to this. Many people purchased/rent housing in this area because of its rural character and beautiful countryside and this should not be destroyed. 3. Alternative solar power sites Brownfield sites and all rooftops of buildings, large and small, should be used for solar panels. New commercial and residential buildings are still being constructed that do not incorporate solar panels into their design and this should no longer be permitted. There also needs to be a huge push towards getting solar panels installed on millions of existing houses. Other European countries have been doing this for years, why is Britain so far behind? Why would the government allow a huge solar farm to be constructed in a rural landscape when there is still so much unused potential for rooftops on new and existing buildings? 4. Construction Phase Whilst the proposed site is being constructed there will be a huge increase in heavy goods vehicles in particular. The rural nature of the infrastructure in this area simply cannot cope with this. There will undoubtedly be an increase in road traffic accidents and consequent loss of life. Simply widening certain roads will not alleviate the problem as feeder roads in the wider area are also unsuitable for the increase in HGVs. 5. Biodiversity At a time when government policy is supposedly trying to promote biodiversity the proposed Solar Farm is totally at odds with this policy. The construction of huge areas of solar panels will destroy existing wildlife and habitat permanently. The current land is rich in biodiversity - large herds of 40-50 deer, for example, roam unhindered across huge swathes of the proposed site. Even if these herds survived, new fencing would be impenetrable for wildlife and the necessary woodland habitat and vegetation would be destroyed. 6. Additional Flood Risks Parts of the proposal area are already designated as at high flood risk, such as Greatford and Essendine. Soil compaction during construction and run-off from the solar panels will cause extra flood risk to the low-lying areas of these villages. 7. Safety Risks As I understand it, the battery storage sites can be very dangerous when they reach the end of their life and can potentially combust. Copious amounts of water would be required to extinguish these, which would not be available close by. This puts neighbouring villages at increased risk of fires. For all of the above reasons, I am very opposed to the proposed solar farm. I ask that the government rejects the application to construct this and pursues the many alternatives available to produce green electricity.