Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by The Rushens (The Rushens)

Date submitted
26 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We( 4 adult members of the family) strongly object to the proposed Mallard Solar farm. ,Firstly we object to the sheer scale of the proposed sight and the impact it will have on the wonderful diverse wildlife we have in this area. I have seen nothing within Mallards Pass plans that convince me that they can prevent the horrendous impact that the construction, running and maintainance of the Solar farm will have on the wildlife.Current research suggest it will be at least 15 years after the completion of the site before the biodivercity of the area will recover.The long term effects of this proposal will not only impact on wildlife but also on the mental health of all the local residents who use this land to support their physical and mental health on a daily basis.We are within a global timeframe where we must preserve nature for our own survival, this proposal goes directly against this.The area is good farm land, which in the current climate of reducing carbon footprint and eating local should be used to grow food for the local / uk customers.This proposal also goes against the government policy ( NPPF) and ( draft EN3) which states that productive land( BMV) cannot be used for ground mounted Solar Panels. We are again in the influx of another fruit and vegetable shortage, we clearly need to be looking at ways to increase our own capacity to grow more friut and vegetables with our local areas ,not using that land for something that could be placed on brownscape land or better still on building roofs.Also we are currently in a national health care crisis, with the NHS struggling to cope with the ever increasing amount of people requiring mental health support. One thing they recommemd to help with self support is to engage with nature in the local area, which has proved to benefit both physical and mental health enormously. This proposed solar farm will also be visually unsightly with a sea of panals, floodlights, high fencing, maintainance sites and security cameras. This does not paint a picture of peace and tranquility requited by so many, both humans and wildlife. This solar farm has been pitched as a green alternative to our energy crisis, however research suggests that solar farms are the least efficant. They we be out of date and inefficant before they even get built. This is not a green enviromentaly friendly solution, simply a financial one and must not go ahead.