Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Sandra Maria Trickey

Date submitted
27 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My home will be subject to compulsory acquisition by the developer and at this stage, the impact on my life has not been sufficiently explained but described in such a way that the developer can do pretty much what they want regardless of impact. The disturbance from traffic during the construction will be massive in this very rural community, HGV usage of narrow roads already have a damaging impact on verges, and walking in the area will be both very dangerous and uncomfortable. The application is from a developer who seems to make a living from starting a development running up debt and closing down without producing anything, I cannot understand how such a track record does not bar them from such a project that needs a social conscience, or even any project. It is said that Canadian Solar will buy them out of the application succeeds, the publically available information on this company and its Chinese background indicates they should not be allowed permission. I have lived here for 45 years and will hopefully stay until I die, but potentially my remaining years will be ones of misery. The total project could easily have a negative impact on the environment, coal powered energy in China, heavy fuel oil burning in shipping, certainly short term polution during construction, no certainty of responsible management of waste or replacement materials over the project lifetime. There is much more information to submit but to make it objective and constructive will take some time and effort but will be done for any future submissions