Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Bo Turner

Date submitted
27 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Massive impact on the vast and varied wildlife we have around us. Visual and environmental impact on the surrounding conservation area villages. As I understand this Solar Farm only produces 11% of the 350MW per year Hardly efficient, the huge amount of negatives for this project for only a return of 11% ! Removal of quality agricultural land that is better put to use to continue growing the crops we need to eat rather than having to import. I have chosen to live and embrace being in the countryside, as have the other local residents we do not want to look out on to acres of ugly solar panels, our prison style fencing or have our out outdoor leisure activities disrupted and lost , who wants to walk along pathways flanked with panels ? This is a Chinese company, why for heavens sake would we allow a country with the worst Human Rights and Environmental policies to own energy infastructure in our Country its akin to giving the Fox the keys to the Hen House !