Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Christopher Bell

Date submitted
27 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I cannot understand why as a local resident we would be supportive of this plan. There are no benefits for the local community unless of course you class permissive footpaths surrounded by solar panels, fencing, CCTV a benefit. Clearly is not the case. The sheer scale of this plan would have an absolutely devastating impact on wildlife as the land is quality land that would be completely destroyed. The proposal is utterly inappropriate and to be honest the fact that it is even being considered is hypocritical of the government authorities given the surrounding areas are steeped in history with a wealth of conservation areas that have stringent limitations that and are tightly controlled, yet this seems to be completely irrelevant here. For anyone that has done there research, solar is the least efficient of all renewable energy sources.For example, off-shore wind is far more efficient so why not focus on something that delivers much more output that is not going destroy local habitat and be a complete and utter eye sore in what is beautiful countryside. While I am fully aware that solar is one of the cheapest energies to produce, why would I support this as it does not benefit me. Prices in the market are set by wholesale gas prices and all we see is companies such as Centrica posting record profits while people are having to make the decision between keeping themselves fed and keeping themselves warm. This is not going to help them. This will no doubt be very disruptive to the local communities causing major traffic issues on important routes. My understanding is the construction phase will take up to 2 years with all heavy goods vehicles, abnormal loads and workers’ construction traffic coming through or past many local villages. This will inevitable create added noise, pollution, and damage to roads, but what is deeply concerning is the increased risk to pedestrians, cyclists and horse-riders, of which there are plenty being a popular area for related activities and especially given that this impacts bus routes for local schools with children getting on and off buses and so as a parent that is extremely worrying. Personally, this will without doubt have a negative impact on the future selling value of my property and given that this project delivers no benefit to me as a local resident, all this will be is detrimental, damaging and have no positive impact whatsoever.