Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Charlotte Dickens

Date submitted
27 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I recognise that solar energy is the way forward but the sheer size of this site in this location is totally unacceptable. To propose a project that takes precious farmland, surrounds villages , destroys habitats and causes the loss of precious rural land shows a total lack of accountability and vision by Canadian Solar. It is not only the information they put forward but the facts they leave out, no doubt hoping to sneak in additional proposals in the maelstrom of muddled answers given out. I do not expect this company to care about our countryside but we care and we must make ourselves heard. We must not let this proposal go forward and take away the things we treasure. Say no to this proposal and force the company to consider less damaging ways to provide solar projects.