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Representation by Miss Elizabeth Mary Dixon

Date submitted
28 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As my property is on Stamford Road, Essendine, I strongly object to The Solar Farm Project seeking to possess my land, whether temporarily or permanently. i understand that cables will be laid along the Stamford Road, in 3 metre deep trenches, this mean across the access to my property. [Redacted] Vehicle access At All Times. This access must be safe, firm and level. I am [Redacted] by unavoidable elements, and to be surrounded by a huge solar panel farm with unknown EMF and EMR emissions is hazardous to say the least, in addition to my own safety, the use of slave labour in the production of the solar panels is contravening Human Rights Laws, and a total disregard for fellow men. Also,the known fire hazard of the batteries igniting and the resulting horrendous pollution. The prime loss of agricultural land at a time when there is a global food crisis. And, there is absolutely no benefit to the large community, who will be negatively affected by the enormous project. For myself, as a [Redacted] person who enjoys our relatively unspoilt countryside, it will be like living in cage, surrounded by 3 metre high solar panels. There is also concern that the proposed project will increase the risk of flooding at the lower end of Essendine, including the church. Also the increase of heavy construction traffic through our villages during the initial construction and ongoing maintenance.