Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Timothy Thurgood

Date submitted
28 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The visual impact on the landscape will be devastating to say nothing of the damage to the local Bio-Diversity and the considerable reduction in Agricultural production. Even if the solar panels are set at a height where grazing can take place underneath them, the panels would then be an even more detrimental blot on the landscape. I have seen smaller solar farm developments elsewhere and, whilst suppliers have tried to mask them with high hedges etc., the visual impact at a distance is devestating and it is clear that little or no Agriculture takes place at all in these areas. As our nation is getting ever larger in its population numbers, reducing Agricultural output is complete madness. This, of course, must also be measured against another industry which is Tourism. The Landscapes around the proposed area are very attractive and does create a Tourism Destination with all of its associated employment and business opportunities. These opportunities are numerous and long-term. The proposal may create jobs, but they will be short-term development jobs followed by a small team of workers to run the site once completed. This proposal will decimate more lucrative and long-term employment by this ridiculous proposal as, of course, who would want to come to an area that is just a plethora of ugly solar panels, as far as the eye can see? What is needed is a far more logical approach to the needs of the national requirement for sources of power and infrastructure. This proposal for this massive solar farm development is, clearly, NOT one of them! Indeed, this is such a ludicrous proposal, that I am surprised that it has got this far. Of course, in order for this development to then serve the power needs of the area, (at least, I presume that this proposal is what it is for) there will then be unsightly Pylons and cables accross this lovely countryside to compliment this dreadful proposal. There is nothing about this proposal to either commend or compliment it, it is dreadful!