Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Nicholas Jack Worrall

Date submitted
28 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The scheme is too big and will have a devastating and permanent impact on a rural area. There will be a huge loss of good farming land. The scheme will blight the lives of the people surrounded by it. Solar power is inefficient compared to wind power considering the land usage required. Such a large reflective hard area may have unknown consequences on the local environment and bio diversity. The panels are likely to be sourced from China using cheap labour and denying any benefit to the UK economy. At end of life or if future technologies overtake solar panel power the amount of waste produced from scrapping the panels would be unacceptable and the land would be ruined for many further years to come. The project has been devised as a money making scheme and the proposers have no other motive or consideration other than maximising profit at any expense.