Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Viv Middlebrook

Date submitted
28 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Mallard Pass is planned to be the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. Why does it have to be located in one discrete block, which will result in a uniquely devastating impact on our landscape, environment, and on local people and the way we live our lives? There has been poor consultation and misleading communication of the facts, with little or no genuine care for what local people think and how it will impact their lives and the environment around us. It's apparent that there's a large organisation with huge spending power and an eye on profit above all else that is bull-dozing its way through this proposed development without enough due care and attention to the vital factors that will have irrevocable, detrimental consequences. At a time when we are experiencing rising food costs, restricted and unstable supply chains as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and more global unrest, surely we cannot afford to risk the loss of so much of the highest grade agricultural land in our country. The loss of biodiversity through the destruction of natural habitats, the massive increase in construction traffic on our local roads, which will certainly make them more dangerous, polluted, and congested are all additional causes for concern.