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Representation by Uffington Parish Council (Uffington Parish Council)

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Uffington Parish Council (UPC) wishes to register as an Interested Party and to submit a Relevant Representation regarding the Mallard Pass Solar Farm application. The Parish Council welcomes the developer's changes to the original scheme, including a reduction in the size of the area to be occupied by solar panels, but there remains a number of concerns. These concerns were registered following a survey of Parish residents. Copies of 41 responses were received by the Parish clerk. Many respondents acknowledged the need for renewable energy, none supported the proposed solar farm in its original form. The principal objection to centering a solar farm on Essendine and its neighbouring rural villages relates to the loss of prime agricultural land with the resultant need to import more food from abroad and a consequent increase in the carbon footprint of the food supply chain. Other objections are: The negative visual impact that the solar panels, security fences and lighting would have on the countryside The reduction in the number of traditional footpaths and bridleways and the detrimental effect of the loss of green space and exercise opportunities on physical and mental health. A possible increased risk of flooding and potential destruction of undiscovered archaeological sites A possible negative impact on tourism The obstruction of country lanes, atmospheric pollution and a risk of accidents to car drivers, horse riders and pedestrians that would be caused by site traffic during the construction phase Worries that the site might expand over time and that at the end of its operational life it might not be properly cleared and returned to farmland and open countryside, with safe and efficient recycling of the solar panels and other infrastructure and equipment Despite the proposed additional hedgerow, tree and wildflower planting, concerns remain about ecological damage to the local environment, with a loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity. I