Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Nina Gookey

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The use of good agricultural land. The lack of transparency regarding Compulsory Acquisition of local land. Negative efforts on our flora and fauna. The long term effects on the local and wider population from traffic fumes, noise from the excessive numbers of lorries, which will be coming down the small country roads in the area, which are only just wide enough for two cars. Noise from the containers, on site, to store the generated power for such a unimaginable vast area. The views from local and wider vistas. Birds getting confused when heading to the Nature Reserve of Rutland Water. A concern over the Company's Ethics. Transparency on the ownership of the Company. Transparency of disposal of excess material during manufacturing of panels and the disposal of damaged panels. Will there be Transparency on what energy is needed to manufacture the panels and will they be built in the UK to avoid Carbon Footprint? In 2 miles from our home alone, South Kesteven District Council, currently have a live planning application for over 1350 new homes, which in it's own right will generate thousands of more vehicles on the road from Stamford to Bourne, which will itself generate more concerns over the road network, flora and fauna issues. With thousands of more mouths to feed, why dig up good graded Argiculture land?