Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Tracey Miles

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the Mallard Pass Development and have the following concerns: 1. Size of Development The proposal would be the largest solar farm (in the smallest county) in the UK therefore full consideration should be given to investigate the impact this would have. 2. Location A rural landscape would be changed to an industrial landscape. 3. Construction Rural road network (many single country lanes) unsuitable to accommodate extensive traffic movements throughout the development, 6 days a week. There are safety concerns of schools being on the proposed routes. Noise, disruption and pollution. 4. Flood Risk There are areas that already flood in the area and this will increase this. There has been no consideration to this. 5. Environmental Impact What damage to the panels themselves do to the environment and what happens in the future when the panels come to the end of their life? Battery storage and safety. 6. Wildlife/Flora/Fauna Impact Loss of habitats for many different animals/birds/insects etc. Loss of many different plants including roadside nature reserves. 7. Agricultural Land Loss of valuable high grade agricultural land and best and most versatile land. 8. Visual Impact/Recreation/Health and Wellbeing Villages will be surrounded by 3m high solar panels. Noise will be heard during the construction but also from the new sub-station. Public rights of way closed and/or diverted. Loss of rural lanes to walk, horse ride or cycle. 9. Archaeology and Heritage It is noted that there are archaeological remains dating back to the prehistoric period in abundance and it is yet to be determined if all areas can be built on. The development would change the character of land parcels and it also has to be noted that there several listed buildings within or close the development. 10. Human Rights Concerns over the reported evidence of human rights abuses in the supply chains of [Redacted]. 11. [Redacted] Concerns over financial record of [Redacted] and their suitability to construct a project of this size. 12. Consultation Poor consultation throughout the process from Mallard Pass, lack of engagement with local community, misleading information, inaccurate information and no mention of compulsory acquisitions. 13. Energy Production Questions over the accuracy of the output with Mallard Pass reducing the area that they need. 14. Local Economy and Business Area relies on tourism due to the rural location. Jobs lost in agriculture. Solar Farms are the least efficient forms of renewable energy with some of the highest lifetime pollution. I am no expert and the above are just my views and concerns on the solar farm and it impact. Given what I have researched I am strongly opposed to the project. Tracey Miles