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Representation by CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough)

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE Cambs. & P’boro.) is an independent charity which works to maintain the thriving and beautiful countryside of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and the wider Anglian region, to encourage strong rural communities and to prevent urban sprawl into and other damage to the countryside. CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. objects strongly to this proposal for the reasons set out below. Background and Principle CPRE locally and nationally is very conscious of the accelerating effects of climate change and the need for rapid change to a low carbon economy using suitable sources of renewable energy. All such projects must be considered in terms of their true, life-time, environmental impact just as any other item of new infrastructure. National Planning Policy The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) considers that renewable energy projects should be part of the Local Plan process, should not cause cumulative landscape or visual effects and that the only acceptable projects which are outside of Local Plan boundaries should be those supported by communities through the neighbourhood planning process. Local Planning Policy We are concerned that this project is and will remain inconsistent with the Local Planning policies of the affected local authorities. Use of Agricultural Land Significant weight is given to protecting “best and most versatile” land from development by the NPPF. CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. considers this proposal to be inconsistent with the NPPF in its use of good agricultural land. Food Security CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. considers this proposal to be inconsistent with current national food security policy. Commercial Roof Space CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. consider that there are large areas of commercial roof space in the Peterborough area particularly which could be fitted with solar panels and any further take-up of agricultural land should be halted. Transport CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. are concerned by the effect of this development on local roads, particularly during the construction phase. The proposed sites lie on both sides of the East Coast main railway line, we are very concerned that the risk of accidental issues will be increased by this development. Landscape & Design CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. has very real concerns for the local landscape in what is a largely unspoiled rural area. Ranks of solar panels will turn the current vibrant and gentle landscape into a dead area, visibly industrial and totally unnatural. Public Rights of Way and Safety The sites are criss-crossed by a network of Public Rights of Way (PRoWs). It is promised that these will be retained during the life of the sites except for some during construction. CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. is concerned by the effects upon views for those using the PRoW network. Decommissioning and Sustainability Currently, there is no recognised process for the recycling of waste solar panels. CPRE Cambs. & P’boro. considers that a guaranteed decommissioning fund be should be lodged independently in escrow to ensure that there will be sufficient resources for decommissioning in 40 years time. Without a robust carbon lifecycle analysis, the development cannot be said to be sustainable. Conclusions This proposal is not compliant with national planning policy. This proposal may not be compliant with local planning policy. This proposal will take out of production a large area of good agricultural land currently used for growing valuable food crops. This proposal is inconsistent with required responses to the national and international issue of dwindling food supply due to climate change and conflict as being currently experienced by UK consumers. This proposal is in direct opposition to the advice of the Environmental Audit Committee to government to increase the proportion of food grown within the UK. There will be significant harm to local agricultural businesses, especially those which may be made the subject of compulsory purchase. There will be significant adverse impact on residential and visual amenity. This proposal will have a cumulative effect on local roads. It will increase risks of disruption to the East Coast main railway line. There will be unacceptable levels of harm to local landscapes and to views across the countryside and significant harm to the historic landscape pattern. There will be increased risks to the safety of walkers and riders using the existing Public Rights of Way. There is no detailed, sustainable plan for the safe decommissioning of the site and the recycling or re-use of the materials removed because no recycling process for solar panels exists. A decommissioning fund must be available, sufficient and placed in escrow in advance of any construction commencing. A full carbon lifecycle analysis must be carried out for this installation, without which it cannot be claimed to be sustainable. CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough urge the Planning Inspectorate not to approve this application.