Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Joseph Henry Stainsby

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project is an uneconomical use of 2175 acres of cereal growing farmland. Food security is essential given the consequences of the Ukraine crisis. The need to import the grain and any other food products lost to this outrageous scheme means the project instantly becomes carbon positive since shipping is a carbon generator. The project will adversely affect biodiversity, The loss of so many acres of natural habitats will change the local wildlife for ever. There will be no going back.The changes to the natural environment will be irreversible. The water run-off from the solar panels will put more water, faster into the west Glen river. The river floods as it is, to increase the input to the watercourses will increase the flood risk dramatically. The visual effects of the panels on individual well-being has not been considered. High panel glare will impact negatively on the mental health and wellbeing of the local population as well as being a potential hazard for motorists. The loss of so much recreational land will also be felt and this will also have a cumulatively negative effect on people’s health and wellbeing. The panels can be mistaken for water by waterfowl causing unnecessary death and injury when trying to land on them. The source of the panels and the dubious reputation of the Chinese and their questionable human rights policies. Means Life is cheap in China. Don’t think anything other. Humans are considered consumables. Additionally, the power generated to produce these panels in China is likely to be from coal fired power stations. Thus the project becomes instantly net-carbon beneficial. The stated output of these panels is said to be in the region of 350MW. In truth the average annual output from these panels will be about 11 % given the variable climate in the UK. To perform optimally, the air temperature needs to be about 24 deg C and a clear blue sky. Such conditions rarely combine on a prolonged basis. The volumes of traffic generated during construction and even for operation and maintenance will increase dramatically given the widespread layout of the panels. There will be many many heavy vehicle movements during the construction. Additionally the dirt and detritus generated will be a stain on the local community. The visual impact these panels will have on my outlook from my home will impact on me and my wife. We will not see the fields change colour with the seasons, the fields will be blue/black all year round.