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Representation by Laurie Hughes

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It is extremely short sighted to cover agricultural land in solar panels. We need more food security which will not be accomplished by reducing the land available for growing crops or grazing animals. If this was about providing electricity and not just about profit then we would be finding alternative areas to site these “farms”. Every new house should have solar panels fitted at the time of constitution . This should not be optional. Factory roofs , warehouse roofs , brown field sites etc etc should be used. Of course, siting these “electricity factories “ in fields is easier and more cost effective but is a decision that we will regret in the future. Let’s not be the country that makes this catastrophic change to our farmland and increases our reliance on overseas to feed our population. France seems to have taken a better way forward and passed legislation to use brown field sites . So many of these huge factories are being proposed in our valuable countryside. Short sighted . I agree we need to do something but this is about monetary gain, not the benefit of the country