Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by David Fensom

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The sheer unprecedented scale of this proposal is frightening. The local landscape will be changed to an industrial-scape with 530,000 solar panels erected 3.3m high, security fencing, CCTV, solar stations/shipping containers housing inverters/transformers, etc. From all I have read, solar is hugely inefficient as a source of energy, only delivering 11 % of its stated capacity on average in the UK. Whilst I appreciate one needs to look at a variety of ways of producing greener energy, solar is not the way forward, and where it is used the panels should be on rooftops or brownfield sites. If this project goes ahead, I am very concerned about the length of time it will take to complete and the noise, light pollution, disruption and damage across the 2,105 acre site and surrounding area. My route to work is through this area and the thought of years of extensive traffic measures is soul destroying. Has anyone considered the impact on people’s mental health? Finally, I see no benefits directly for the local community this project is being foisted upon. The energy produced will be used across the UK as required and the local electricity tariff will not be cheaper as a result. I am staggered that there is no benefit to those of us who live locally who are going to suffer from what will take place.