Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Sheila Kelly

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to add my objections to the proposed Mallard Pass solar farm due to its size, the fact it is going to be built on land that is currently used for crops etc and the impact it will have on this area. Loss of agricultural land: The nation is currently experiencing shortages of vegetables as we are semi reliant on overseas suppliers. By using up vast swaithes of our arable land to build the proposed solar farm (and all the thousands of houses being planned in this area over the next 10 years) will only increase this reliance on overseas suppliers. Flood risk: there are existing flood risks in this area. Solar panel glare: this is a huge risk, not only to wildlife (evidence of birds mistaking the glare for water and crashing into them) but also to drivers on the nearby roads. Battery storage for panels: There is huge concerns over what happens to the environment if the batteries leak. Wildlife: There is a plethora of wildlife - rare bird species in particular. This solar farm will cause a lot of damage to that. And finally, we have substantial concerns regarding the ownership of Windell Energy.