Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Diana Theaker

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the proposed Mallard Pass Solar being built in countryside and around villages, impacting the lives of local residents for a for profit driven scheme hiding behind green energy. Size of the Development: If they are granted permission, it would be the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date, full and proper consideration is required to assess the greater impact this project would have. Poor Consultation: Throughout the consultation process the developers failed to engage in good faith with the community, not answering questions and not being honest with local residents who will be impacted by this application. There is a total breakdown of trust and good faith. Compulsory Acquisitions: The intent of the developers to request compulsory acquisition rights in Essendine was not made clear during the consultation period. Would like to question what will happen to the local residents losing the rights to the fronts of their properties; accesses, accessing utilities etc. Loss of Agricultural Land: Agricultural land is a key asset to this country, to lose such a significant amount of land to solar would surely set a precedence for other large Solar Plant schemes to built on our agricultural land, thus providing a shortage of our own produce and having to import instead from overseas, this would make this a negative carbon project. Energy Production: There are queries over the accuracy of the forecasts for the amount of energy the project is likely to produce, which puts the validity of this proposal into question. Solar produces a small fraction of energy, especially compared to wind power, in this country due to our lack of sunshine hours. Solar panels become out of date technically in 10 years or less and are not recyclable. [Redacted] own figures for the panels they intend to use are 27% efficient. Glint and Glare: Glint and glare from solar panels can represent a risk to drivers. There has not been any consideration to locals who suffer from medical conditions, such as Epilepsy, ADHD that can be affected by the glint and glare from these panels/their infrastructure. The mental and physical health of residents has been ignored by the developers. Local Economy and Tourism: Local businesses reliant on tourism in this area will suffer and will not visit due to the eyesore of the panels, security fencing and cameras. Noise Pollution: There will be significant noise in this area during the build period and then a constant noise from the solar plant 24/7, compared to a small amount of noise infrequently from farm work. Traffic: The rural road network is not appropriate to accommodate the level of traffic this development would require. The presence of schools along the routes as well as children having to cross the road in Essendine to access the bus service/playground is a serious safety concern. Flood risk: There are existing flood risks and a flooding history in the area that has not been adequately considered in this application. I maintain the right to amend my representation should new information become available.