Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Thomas James Allett

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Mallard Pass I am against the development of the Mallard Pass Solar Farm for several reasons. Firstly, its creation would mean the loss of valuable Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land. This is very unwise given the ongoing war in Ukraine which has already begun to affect food production and supplies across Europe and beyond. Preserving our BMV land has become more important than ever. Secondly, the safety risks for battery storage are well known, but have been deliberately omitted from the proposal. This is obviously a huge concern for those living adjacent to the proposed development. It is quite unnecessary to use prime agricultural land to build a solar farm as solar panels can be placed of the roofs of buildings instead and once a ‘change of use’ authorisation is made for this agricultural land there is every chance it will be used for other purposes as well as this unwanted solar farm that will obliterate our local landscape.