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Representation by Rutland Local History & Record Society (Rutland Local History & Record Society )

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Rutland Local History & Record Society would like to register its interest in participating in the NSIP Examination process for the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Facility. The society’s main interest is in ensuring that historical and archaeological factors are properly identified, explored, recorded, and addressed as part of the examination process. The extensive geographical nature of the proposal is highly likely to have impacts on the significance of heritage assets, and whilst information has been provided by the applicant the society wishes to have the opportunity at examination of exploring the extent and nature of the proposed approach to heritage matters. Extensive parts of the eastern area of Rutland could be impacted by the proposals - especially the villages and agricultural / countryside environs of Belmesthorpe, Ryhall, Essendine, and Pickworth. Much of this area will contain identified historical features already recorded in the HER, but there is also significant potential for new finds to be discovered (eg which may be of importance commensurate with the recently discovered Rutland Roman Villa complex). The key issues for the Society to consider and comment on include reviewing and addressing potential archaeological impacts; impacts on parish boundaries and historical field boundaries; impacts on heritage assets - direct or in terms of landscape / visual impacts and wider views / cumulatively, settings of villages / conservation areas / listed buildings. The Society may, for example, wish to underline the opportunity for the proposals (if approved) to resource properly scoped archaeological work, field walking, recording, interpreting the historic landscape, protection measures etc - which may include an ongoing role for the Society working with other bona-fide history groups, professionals, volunteers, schools and young archaeologists groups. The Society may wish to link with similar groups in Lincolnshire to jointly address some issues.