Procedural Deadline - 8.1 Outline Code of Construction Practice Tracked
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Appendix 3.2 Onshore Crossing Schedule Clean
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9B Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix B Blockage Modelling Results
(PDF, 6MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.14 Addendum to RIAA Onshore Ornithology
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.13 Historic Environment Plan Onshore
(PDF, 79MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 4.1 Book of Reference Tracked
(PDF, 9MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.6.2 Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol for Unexploded Ordnance Clearance Tracked
(PDF, 2MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Notice of Nil Return of Principal Areas of Disagreement Statements (PADS)
(PDF, 197KB)
O Maritime & Coastguard Agency
Procedural Deadline - Other responses (if applicable) to the ExA’s PD letter of 31 July 2024 [PD-006]-Principal Areas of Disagreement
(PDF, 125KB)
O Environment Agency
Procedural Deadline - Responses to the Rule 6 letter relating to Examination procedure, including any submissions about the draft Examination Timetable and the use of virtual methods
(PDF, 152KB)
O Natural England
Procedural Deadline - 2.1 Works Plans Onshore
(PDF, 77MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words
(PDF, 354KB)
Procedural Deadline - Responses to the Rule 6 letter relating to Examination procedure, including any submissions about the draft Examination Timetable and the use of virtual methods
(PDF, 187KB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Other responses (if applicable) to the ExA’s PD letter of 31 July 2024 [PD-006]-Principal Areas of Disagreement
(PDF, 96KB)
O National Grid Electricity Transmission plc
Procedural Deadline - Other responses (if applicable) to the ExA’s PD letter of 31 July 2024 [PD-006]-Principal Areas of Disagreement
(PDF, 101KB)
O Historic England
Procedural Deadline - 8.1 Outline Code of Construction Practice Clean
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.2 Offshore Works Plans
(PDF, 14MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.10 Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Strategy Clean
(PDF, 38MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.10 Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Strategy Tracked [CONFIDENTIAL]
(PDF, 12KB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.16 Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites Plan Offshore
(PDF, 49MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.18 Onshore Crossing Plan
(PDF, 270MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.9 Onshore Outline Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) for Archaeological Works Tracked
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order Tracked
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.1.3 Outline Soil Management Plan Clean
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.7A Noise Bund Hydraulic Modelling Report, Appendix C Figures (Part 2 of 4)
(PDF, 54MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.20 Traffic Regulation Order Plan
(PDF, 81MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.13 Schedule of Mitigation Tracked
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.7 In Principle Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation Site Integrity Plan Tracked
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.15 Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites Plan Onshore
(PDF, 91MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.8 Offshore Order Limits and Grid Coordinates Plan
(PDF, 61MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.12 Special Category Land Onshore
(PDF, 8MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 3.1.1 Schedule of Changes to the Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.6 Crown Land Plans Onshore
(PDF, 20MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.6.1 Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol for Piling Activitie Tracked
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9G Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix G MRSea Modelling for Offshore Ornithology
(PDF, 9MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.3 Location Plan Onshore
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.1 Covering Letter
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.4 Offshore Location Plan
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Appendix 3.2 Onshore Crossing Schedule Tracked
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.10 Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Strategy Clean [CONFIDENTIAL]
(PDF, 12KB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.0 Schedule of Changes for Plans
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.8 Outline Marine Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) Tracked
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.22 Outline Biogenic Reef Mitigation Plan Tracked
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 3.2 Explanatory Memorandum Tracked
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.13 Schedule of Mitigation Clean
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Chapter 24 Appendix 2 Flood Risk Assessment Onshore ECC & 400kV Clean
(PDF, 60MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.7A Noise Bund Hydraulic Modelling Report, Appendix C Figures (Part 3 of 4)
(PDF, 55MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.20 Outline Vessel Management Plan Clean
(PDF, 22MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.11 Streets Plan
(PDF, 82MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order Clean
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - Chapter 24 Appendix 2 Flood Risk Assessment Onshore ECC & 400kV Tracked
(PDF, 61MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9A Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix A Figures Part 1
(PDF, 38MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 9.2 Cable Statement Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.17 Outline Public Access Management Plan Clean
(PDF, 42MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 9.2 Cable Statement Tracked
(PDF, 2MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 1.2 Guide to the Application
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.9 Access to Works Plan
(PDF, 82MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.8 Outline Marine Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) Clean
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.20 Outline Vessel Management Plan Tracked
(PDF, 22MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.10 Public Rights of Way Plan
(PDF, 81MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.18 Draft Statement of Commonality
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.17 Outline Public Access Management Plan Tracked
(PDF, 42MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.12 Interim Population Consequences of Disturbance Modelling Report
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 3.2 Explanatory Memorandum Clean
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.1.3 Outline Soil Management Plan Tracked
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 4.3 Statement of Reasons Clean
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 4.1 Book of Reference
(PDF, 9MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.7 In Principle Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation Site Integrity Plan Clean
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.13 Offshore Export Cable Corridor Sabellaria Spinulosa Reanalysis and Report
(PDF, 12MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.5 Land Plans
(PDF, 83MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.8 Onshore Archaeological Geophysical Report
(PDF, 107MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.9 Onshore Outline Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) for Archaeological Works Clean
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.22 Outline Biogenic Reef Mitigation Plan Clean
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.6 Erratum to Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9C Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix C Underwater Noise Modelling Report
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9F Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix F Offshore Ornithology Displacement Assessment
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.10 Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor
(PDF, 36MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.19 Offshore Crossing Plan
(PDF, 26MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.2 The Applicant’s Response to the Rule 17 Letter dated 31 July 2024
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.4 Compulsory Acquisition and Land Rights Tracker
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.5 Outline Cable Specification and Installation Plan Tracked
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.14 Historic Environment Plan Offshore
(PDF, 28MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.15 Disposal Site Characterisation Report
(PDF, 5MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.16 Collaborative Delivery of Kittiwake Compensation Letter of Intent
(PDF, 2MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9A Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix A Figures Part 2
(PDF, 42MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.6.2 Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol for Unexploded Ordnance Clearance Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.7 Noise Bund Hydraulic Modelling Report
(PDF, 7MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.14 Outline Fisheries Liaison and Co-existence Plan Tracked
(PDF, 8MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.7A Noise Bund Hydraulic Modelling Report, Appendix C Figures (Part 1 of 4)
(PDF, 54MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9E Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix E Collision Risk Modelling
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.10A Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor Appendix A Offshore and Intertidal Ornithology Apportioning
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.19 The Applicant’s Response to Transboundary Consultation Responses
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.5 Pre-examination Principal Issues Progress Tracker
(PDF, 3MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.17 Important Hedgerows and Tree Preservation Order Plan
(PDF, 84MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 4.3 Statement of Reasons Tracked
(PDF, 6MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.7A Noise Bund Hydraulic Modelling Report, Appendix C Figures (Part 4 of 4)
(PDF, 42MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.9 Environmental Report for the Offshore Restricted Build Area and Revision to the Offshore Export Cable Corridor
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 8.6.1 Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol for Piling Activities Clean
(PDF, 4MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 2.7 Crown Land Plans Offshore
(PDF, 16MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)
Procedural Deadline - 15.3 The Applicant’s Responses to Relevant Representations
(PDF, 10MB)
O GT R4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)