Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Simon NS Stiles

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. My main objection to this proposal is that it is disingenuous and is attempting to avoid proper planning consideration by not recognising that this application is only one of 4 in the neighbouring vicinity. Please would you consider rejecting the present single application and consider the 4 combined proposals which will in total be about 10000 acres. 2) The proposed area is nationally significant in terms of food production. True the land has not been traditionally categorised as such but climate change has vastly increased the yield since the land was categorised. This is because of the clay content in the soil which enables more water retention during dry summers. 3) The proposed area is designated as an area of Great Landscape Value which would be significantly impaired by this construction. 4) The proposed development is directly adjacent to historic buildings which will be significantly detrimental to the view of these heritage sites. e.g. Gate Burton Hall and neighbouring historic church. 5) This land is not near adjacent to the national grid and will therefore require further construction for a connection to the grid. 6) There are alternative brownfield sites near the area which could be utilised instead - Scampton RAF base is to close and be sold and Kirton RAF base has been used for decades. 7) Wind turbines would be a significantly better investment in this area and allow farming to continue mostly unaffected. 8)The 10,000 (approx) acreage will have a significantly detrimental effect on local wildlife - I have personally spotted Montagu's harrier from footpaths in this area.