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Representation by Tracey peden

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have grown up in the countryside and have been blessed to enjoy the surrounding nature and fields wildlife and birds all that time. My children have also been lucky enough to enjoy the many benefits of living in the countryside and village of Glentworth. We strongly oppose the industrialisation of our beloved land and the solar farm is not a farm it’s a massive industrial unit of 4metre high solar panels as far as the eye can see. This is not why we live in the countryside or a legacy for my grandchildren!!! Why is farmland even being looked it as a possible location? There are sites nearby already with concrete like the scampton raf base, kirton lindsey base or even hemswell raf base that could be used. There is absolutely no sense in using prime farmland. The population is growing and we need to be able to feed our country!!! Not be reliant on others. Also the more I look into the actual benefits of solar panels the less they seem effective in terms of output and efficiency. Please please don’t allow this nightmare to become a reality. Mental health is of the utmost importance and it’s been proven over and over again that a walk in the countryside amongst fields trees nature and wildlife can lift your well being. If this went ahead it would have the opposite effect.