Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Marc Williams

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It appears that Lincolnshire has become the dumping ground for solar factories. Whilst I acknowledge we need to move to green energy, the least green, efficient and effective in generating power in the UK is solar. At a time when food security is critical and only likely to become more of an issue with population growth and conflicts abroad we should not be sacrificing one of our best resources, our ability to grow much of our own food. We are blessed with a shore line, I’m a big believer in offshore and some limited onshore. In the case of these large solar farm it appears about half a dozen wind turbines would generate more power. These would have much less devastation on our scarce farming and natural landscape. If we are to consider solar panels then developer should be working with planners and industrial unit owners to ensure new builds have solar and also to retro fit solar to all industrial buildings. If this is about GREEN then there should be no pushback, however I suspect this is mainly driven by GREED from certain energy companies and some landowners who see this as a very easy way to become wealthy without any concern to the damage they will do to their local communities. Communities in the UK are the bedrock of stability, destroy these at your peril.