Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Joseph Henry Creswell

Date submitted
1 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am registering my objection to this project based on its scale when combined with the other three proposed projects in close vicinity within our local area. While I am a supporter of solar energy I am very concerned about the scale of this project located so close to the other three projects and its impact on our natural landscape and wildlife. I also feel that the use of good agricultural land is questionable when there are many other brownfields sites better suited to such a project. I also feel that solar projects should be focused on homes and business roof space with the energy being harvested at an individual or company level linked with AI arbitrage Software giving the energy benefits to private individuals and not large corporate energy companies and land owners. Such a large scale project and it’s impact on our local environment and quality of life in our location should be subject to wider public scrutiny / awareness of the impacts.