Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Stephen Constable

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This NSIP is just 1 of 4 in close proximity, they should be assessed together they cover 10000 acres of prime farmland which will be devastating for the local community as loss of Agricultural jobs will be large by %age. Loss of 33,300,000 loaves of bread / annum potential, do you think that we can continue to loose farmland at this rate when already the shelves are empty and there are many brown field sites available. Is this development just convenient without consideration of all issues? Gate Burton is a heritage village which needs consideration. Mass solar energy effectiveness in the UK is limited as it fails to make economic sense in the winter months when most needed. As President of the Institute of Agricultural Engineers for the UK I am concerned that this is a greenwash attempt to the detriment of hard working Engineers in an attempt to appear to move towards the government targets.Concerns that the equipment will be imported from China to keep costs down including the largest untested battery bank in the world, untested technology from proven varying quality manufacturing bases spells potential disaster. Please look at this very carefully including the developer motivation and skill as its very worrying as an engineer. The environmental impact for such a development is going to be massive, they say that the wildlife increases but hard to understand with so many harmful components and concrete, guess that's another misinformation statement.