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Representation by Mrs Janet Elizabeth Davies

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It is very clever to consider the 10,000acre solar panel farm in four separate sections as it lessens the impact. However we are not fooled and the size of the farm is unbearable and the cost to the quality of life of the people who live in the area and environmental impact is disproportionate to the benefits. Beautiful and vital farmland will be lost forever at a time when it is so important to be self sufficient in food. With that goes agricultural jobs so vital to this area. Today the National Health Service is dealing with more and more cases of mental health issues. They are also realising that exercise, visits to calming and beautiful countryside are vital. You are destroying a vast area for us where people regularly walk,run,cycle,drive to relax and feel well. This situation ,because of the vastness of it is already causing a great deal of upset and concern. We can do without it as the world is such a troubled place. Are we being chosen because this is just Lincolnshire? It is not the Cotswolds,the Peak District or areas of recognised beauty. This area is not known or appreciated, hence people making decisions to destroy such a vast area. When it is realised that the return from the solar panels is not as good as expected, already the land will have been destroyed, people will have moved away from the area. So sad. I am not against Solar panels but the size of this solar farm is destructive and unbearable.PLEASE reconsider.