Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by David Davies

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The combined area of solar panels is10,000 acres. This will materially affect the local landscape. The sheer scale of the proposals is excessive. Has the loss of food producing land been adequately considered given that with events in Ukraine we are likely to be more dependent on home grown food? The disruption caused by the construction and traffic will be huge. The environment will be irretrievably damaged. We live in a pleasant rural area. This green and pleasant land will be irretrievably lost and ruined. I cannot imagine this proposal being passed in an area such as the Cotswolds for example. Instead of greenfield sites why not brownfield sites nearer the power stations, busy roads etc? How safe are the proposed installations? What about fire risks? There will be environmental damage. Wildlife will be affected adversely. The scale of the proposed works are disproportionate to the benefits.