Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Emma Hill

Date submitted
2 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

my husband and i purchased a field near to where we live ,unbeknown to us this field is on the grid connection corridor for the proposal , a meeting was had with representatives from the solar companies we informed them they wasn't welcome on our land. we put planning permission in for two agricultural buildings and a yard with a view to start a new business ( west lindsey application number 145882) they put an objection in . we have been granted planning permission and had a lot of support from our community. on the map it looks like they are still intend to go through our field where we have planning granted for the agricultural buildings , as you can imagine the worry and sleepless nights our family have had over this ,if the proposal goes ahead this will devastate us as a growing agricultural business , i reiterate what my husband says we will fight this to the bitter end , I don't give permission for them to come on my land , This new venture is meant to be a happy time but we have this black cloud over our lives , i feel the government should protect us and our land . The solar panel panels won't solve the problem ,it's a global problem , shoving a load of large hideous solar panels that in my understanding are not going to be very efficient in lincolnshire isn't going to do anything, these solar panel companies are just trying to make money , what happens when there is new technology to make power? we will be left with loads of redundant glass batteries and rubbish in fields where it's to expensive for anyone to clean up . i reserve the right to amend my representation after i have submitted this , thank you