Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Mark Edward Wardle

Date submitted
3 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my opposition this development as I firmly believe sacrificing productive arable farmland to build such a marginally efficient electricity generation development is truly the wrong thing to do. Food production is paramount considering all the issue the world is facing with food shortages caused by issues beyond our control and to replace the potential deficit with even more imports is irresponsible. The ecological impact caused by security fencing off huge areas of farmland will be devastating. These tracts of land are home to a large population of ground dwelling wildlife, avian species such as both species of Partridge Grasshopper warblers and others. These areas also provide uninterrupted wildlife corridors allowing wildlife to spread and proliferate. To allow this development along with others in the planning stages would be absolute disaster on a number of fronts.