Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Janet Dover

Date submitted
3 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Firstly this site is far to close to residential properties & a business on Kexby Lane, further more, the Kexby Lane speed limit is 60MPH and vehicles regularly exceed that speed restriction, which makes this road unsuitable for construction site entrances on the grounds of health & safety issues. Homes are located on a high surface water flood risk, which was introduced by the environmental agency & the upper Witham dyke is some 5 metres away. The water levels have at times come very close to breaching, I therefore have grave concerns over the potential increase in flood risk that rainwater runoff from thousands of solar panels placed in this area could potentially cause to homes & roads in such close proximity. I am concerned about the noise levels during the construction period and the impact this will have on our daily lives and on the lives of the abundance of wildlife (deer, hare, lapwings, owls etc) which share this area with us. There is also the increased risk of noise once construction is finished, this area is very open to the elements and extremely windy at times, there must be some impact of noise whistling through all those panels and fencing. I am also aware of previous reports of fire risks with Solar farms & battery storage and therefore it gives cause for concern that toxic fumes would emit if this were to happen. The perimeter lighting will cause intrusion. Security cameras in and around each compound may invade privacy. The increase in heavy goods vehicles & traffic during construction process which will impede community life and any mud or spoil from the site has the potential to increase road safety issues, cause drainage issues & a detrimental effect to road surfaces. There is a sewage pumping station opposite our home but would be adjacent to one of the construction sites. Plans to remove hedgerow and trees would take away the natural screening. With the number of large Solar farm proposals in such a small area, it seems unfair to judge them individually when each company involved is liaising with each other. This is a huge development in a rural area, involving some 30 plus villages, the mental health and well-being of these communities needs careful consideration. The lost of agricultural land at a time when the world is facing shortages seems nonsensical. Both the proposed areas have had high yield crops, even during drought periods due to the soil quality. Impact has already been seen on property prices and a loss of sale due to this proposal.