Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Nicholas Mapstone

Date submitted
4 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is one of four nationally significant infrastructure projects within a few miles of each other. One of the proposals is within a few feet of my house and would surround the property on two sides. The four projects I believe should be considered together to assess the aggregate impact rather than consider them separately. Many thousands of acres of prime farmland will be lost to these proposals. The country will have to import more food in consequence, which will significantly add to the global carbon footprint. These proposals will ruin beautiful countryside and destroy natural habitats. Surely it is more sensible to build on existing industrial or Brownfield sites. I understand that the solar panels create a potential fire hazard and chemical risks to life and property. Most importantly this will have a massive impact on many peoples' mental health. It is certainly having a massive impact on mine. In short the fear and worry is ruining my life.