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Representation by Sallyann Constable

Date submitted
5 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are 4 NSIP's being put forward only a few miles away from each other, the development should be considered as 1 and assessed together due to the obvious detrimental effect of industrialisng 10000 acres of prime greenfield site. The development of the world's largest ever battery storage facility next to a village is foolhardy to say the least and there should be a duty of care considered. This unproven technology will most probably be sourced from the far east where there are varying levels of competency and standards. Taking 10000 acres of food productive land out for industrial use is foolhardy especially considering the dire food shortages current in the UK and reducing food security. This is a very limited power technology for the UK as it becomes in efficient when most needed in the winter, considering the UK Solar irradiation map. Yearly total of global irradiation in kWh/m2. Averaging period: 1997-2003. Map data courtesy of the Met Office © the sun's effect for solar is 30% less than for the south making this technology even more inefficient than it already is. Clearly off shore wind and nuclear is the way forward for the future. This development gives nothing to the local economy and will have a detrimental effect on people's lives and mental health due to reducing green landscape and the loss of wildlife Habitat and a 4 year build with heavy machinery. The developers say it improves wildlife which is like telling a turkey that Christmas is good for them! On a personal note, the development will surround us in all directions for many miles so our quality of life will be dramatically reduced, our village is full of simple country folk and it will be very difficult for them. Please remember that these four developments should be considered as one to grasp the suggestion of an industrial development four times larger than any in europe, maybe the Europeans respect their citizens more than we do.